Dancing Dancing Dancing

Blog about dancing realted stuff.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Female" Dearwear that I wear

My old dancewear was worn off, so I brought two new ones at Cat dancewear dance located in Sham Zhen. They were reasonably priced at $30 each, and I gladly brought two.

Those who know that I am a male will wonder why I brought and wear "female" dancewear in the class. To me I don't really care about whether they are for man or for woman, but they definitely does something that is critical to me: to soak a lot of my sweat during the class. Otherwise I have to (like in good old days) change clothes in the middle of the class, and that will only get my teacher yell at me even more :-< .

By the way, I was puzzled by the missing of Cat's dance web site printed on their bag, because when I went to www.2cat.net web address, all I got was "No web site is configured at this address" message.


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